Churchton MD 20733 USA
bill@(my last name).com

William A. Havanki, Jr.

he · him











Education and Certifications

2014 Jul

2013 Feb

2011 Dec

2008 Jul

1997 Aug

1995 May


2021 Jun - present

Currently leading and advising efforts on infrastructure developer platform team · designed and contributed features for internal developer portal · developed and expanded internal Kubernetes deployment and interaction tooling used by Segment engineering teams · created tools for managing local Kubernetes clusters and remote development servers to ease implementation and testing work for engineering

Worked as member of team that expanded infrastructure into the EU to satisfy data residency requirements · briefly led team responsible for ingesting event data through a distributed, container-based pipeline architecture.

Coordinator for organization mentorship program · member of business unit culture committee

2013 Sep - 2021 Jun

Led team creating infrastructure systems for core of Cloudera Data Platform Control Plane, including auditing, public API design, and workflow management · led team developing new features of Cloudera Data Platform Control Plane for automated deployment of data platform into public cloud providers

Led development and testing of Cloudera Altus Director for automated deployment of clusters into public cloud providers · implemented major features, paved way for company to embrace cloud offerings

Led efforts to implement pay-as-you-go billing for cloud offerings · opened up new revenue streams

Participated in quality improvement initiatives: fault injection, simulating customer configurations

Conducted development and testing of Apache Accumulo, with focus on CDH (Cloudera) integration

Apache Accumulo committer and PMC member, January 2014

Mentored coworkers on work habits, workplace issues

2011 Jul - 2013 Aug

Revived and expanded a cloud-based system for automated software analysis and indexing

Developed and deployed cloud jobs for indexing BigTable data · improved reliability, decreased turnaround from months to days

2000 May - 2011 Jul

Led development of web services for corporate authorization system supporting thousands of users across hundreds of client applications and systems

Designed and developed service-oriented architecture for high-performance querying of analytic intelligence data · increased functionality, easier configuration, 3x performance

Refactored work products into shareable artifacts · led semi-formal distribution project

Led development of LDAP-based authentication and authorization service, including web front-end, supporting thousands of users · reduced costs, eased user access

Developed prototype for complex intelligence analysis with web / GUI integration

Led development of National Cancer Institute Laboratory Information Management System supporting cancer / genomic experiments · customer satisfaction led to more business

Organized peer training program for sharing technical knowledge among colleagues

1998 May - 2000 May

Developed and tested ground systems command and control for satellites

Performed system engineering for US Census Bureau Data Capture System 2000 program


Havanki, Bill. Moving Hadoop to the Cloud: Harnessing Cloud Features and Flexibility for Hadoop Clusters. O’Reilly, 2017.

Havanki, W. A., Banerjia S. & Conte, T. M. (February 1998). Treegion scheduling for wide issue processors. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture . Paper presented at HPCA 1998 (HPCA-4), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, January 31 – February 4 (pp. 266–276). IEEE Computer Society.

Banerjia, S., Havanki, W. A., & Conte, T. M.. (August 1997). Treegion scheduling for highly parallel processors. In C. Lengauer, M. Griebl, & S. Gorlatch (Eds.), Proceedings of the Third International Euro- Par Conference on Parallel Processing. Paper presented at Euro-Par ‘97, Passau, Germany, August 26 – 29 (pp. 1074 – 1078). London, UK: Springer-Verlag.

Havanki, W. A. (July 1997). Treegion scheduling for VLIW processors. (Master’s thesis.) Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, North Carolina State University, Raleigh NC.